So every week we are trying to be dilligent about having Family Home Evening. Alex loves to sing Primary songs and looks forward to it every night.(Correction... Alex loves to listen to mommy and daddy sing Primary songs every night before he goes to bed.) We try to make FHE a fun time for him. I am just seeking ideas that all you smart moms have done with your kiddos when they have such a short attention span. We have done picture stories, coloring touch and feel bags, etc. Any other ideas come to mind?
3 weeks ago
Oh dear. We've had many a Monday nights at the park "practicing playing nicely together." (That was tonight...again.) Ok, Miss Teacher, I'm sure you are doing a great job with cute Alex and his short attention span. It gets easier as they get older and more siblings come too. You're doing a good job to just be getting in the habit of doing the FHE routine, even if it only lasts 10 minutes.
I am so impressed with you. My attempts have failed so I look for opportunities when he is showing interest. sometimes he will bring me The book of Mormon stories or we will watch a living scripture video. He loves the videos some of them are not age appropriate but we do our best to pre-screen the ones that are. I would be happy to lend some? I know some do not like to have the T.V. during FHE but we do what works for now.
FHE is SO hard with a young audience!!! I think the important thing for this age is that you are establishing the routine- they know what FHE is!! Pat yourself on the back for that one!! I have 3,2, and a baby and this is what we do- we do a 5 minute lesson from the gospel principles book which is usually just talking about it on their level. Then, the next 5 minutes we let both our boys pull out a picture from our gospel art kit (all the pictures, big blue pouch.. do you have one?) and talk about the pictures. We have the boys hold them up and we take turns telling the story that goes with it. They LOVE the stories. Next, we do our family scripture reading for the day- right now we are reading the Book of Mormon picture books and we read a section a day- usually two pages. Then everyone gets to pick a song to sing, we have a treat, and we play a game they pick together (candyland, blocks, coloring.. whatever they want to do) and of course start and end with a prayer. Thats it, not a lot of prep time for us right now. It works for us and the boys know that Monday is FHE. It takes 20-30 minutes. The important thing is the routine while they are so young. Hope that helps! Good luck!
okay sorry no ideas but i'm looking forward to what other people have as ideas for you! one thing i know i want to do with my kids when they are older is an idea i got from a friend...every year on the prophet's birthday, they have an FHE lesson that is a birthday party for him. they learn more about him, have cake, sing happy birthday, etc. i loved that idea.
One time we let the kids choose a friend to deliver treats too. It was fun to see who they choose and they really enjoyed dropping it off at there friends houses. It taught the kids to think of others. You’re doing a great job Erika.
Hey, big sis! I've used the GAK and downloaded a coloring page with a similar pic on it. Also, the friend mag has lots of ideas, and activities (even for Alex's age), and the Nursery lesson manual (there is a brand new one out there now). Like someone said, it is just establishing the routine that is important right now....oh, and having fun as a family!!! :) I love are a GREAT MOM and a SUPER GREAT big sis!
I'm a friend of your sister in laws-- I like to use this website for an easy lesson-
They are trying to sell the living scriptures, but you don't need them to do the lessons. Another fun thing I did when the kiddos were small was a FHE group with other moms, we each made fun lessons for each other- I now have tons to grab and do on the run. I think the best thing though is when I prayerfully consider what our family needs and then I prepare myself through the week. Maybe the lesson isn't as thorough or as deep as I'd like, but I know I'm enriched and more open to what my family needs. It makes a difference, but not necessarily during the FHE time- I think the kids sometimes act the worst, sometimes my sweet husband will just shake his head and laugh when the kids do not get what I'm trying to teach. Other times the spirit is real strong and we ALL love it. When it's my husband's turn to teach (he's not a member) he always does a simple object lesson and has everyone tell why they are greatful -- it's simple but heartfelt and everyone loves it. So to prepare or not to prepare.... Keep up what you are doing and enjoy the journey!
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