As the New Year begins, so do the January birthdays in our family. Alex turned one on the 3rd. I turned older than that(30) on the 8th, and my brother-in-law has a birthday today. It has been quite busy around here. Last week we had to say a goodbye to Eric's parents who returned to Oregon. It was wonderful having them here to visit. We didn't do much, but we just enjoyed being around each other.
I wanted to post a video of Alex's first birthday party that my friend Trisha made of Alex's first birthday party. It all began early Saturday morning when Alex woke up super early and wouldn't go back to sleep. I thought that this would be perfect, because I can give him a nap before the party started at 11 and then he would be well rested. I don't think that Alex got the memo about going back down for a nap. I tried putting him down a few times before the party started, but he did not fall asleep until about 30 minutes before the party started. Needless to say we had one tired boy on our hands and we were already for some birthday fun. We tried opening some presents first, but had to stop midway and switch to the cake and candles. Eric's family has a tradition of having a lamb cake on the baby's first birthday, so Grandma Stewart brought her lamb cake pan and made the birthday cake for Alex. He wasn't to excited to eat the cake and ended up not really eating the cake at all. All he cared about was having a bottle after waking up from his nap. It was kind of funny watching Alex try and hold the bottle because his hands had icing on them. It kept slipping through his grasp.
He is such a joy in our lives and we can't imagine our lives without him in it. I can't believe that it has been a year already.
Happy Birthday Alex!!!
3 weeks ago
Cute video! Trisha has some skills. Glad we got to see the birthday boy!
I'm glad we got to be a part of his birthday! I'd say he did pretty well considering he just woke up before the party w/o much of a nap.
I'm glad you liked the video!
isn't it funny that we plan these things and have all these grand ideas, but in all honesty kids just have a mind of their own. if they don't want to eat the cake, they won't and they'll cry if you try and make them. the cake looked pretty fancy.
Hey Erika,
That's a cute nephew I've got. It's fun to see pictures of him.
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