Friday, September 28, 2007

San Antonio Trip 2007


123 checkoutourfamily said...

It looks like ya'll had a lot of fun. You know, I think I do like blogging...facebook is still fun but I'm having trouble loading pictures and it's pretty easy on here...if you have a lot...just put them in a slideshow...seems easy enough to me.

Ash said...

Yeah Trisha, Come on over to blogging.

Erika, I love the slide show. I tried to do it once and I couldn't figure it out. So good job. It looks like your trip was fun. I'm always thinking about the next vacation.

Kristin said...

Way to go on the slide show. I've not attempted one yet. I love San Antonio, and Alex is adorable.

scraphappymama said...

I'm impressed with your computer saviness. I have yet to attempt anything like a slideshow, video or collage. Kudos points to you!!

Plus, I love San Antonio and ditto that Alex is adorable!!!

Sunnie said...

so i'm happy to see you in the blogging world. we always like new people! fancy little slideshow. that is creative!